Outfield's routing algorithm takes into account live traffic as well as historical data to deliver you the fastest commute possible; giving you more time with your customers, where it really counts. Here is how you plan a route with Outfield:
- Open the Mobile Based Version of Outfield to the "My Places" Screen.
- Tap the gray "Plan Route" button at the bottom of the screen.
- Now it's time to add places to your route. From this screen you have three options:
- Tap on the red pins from the map.
- Tap "List View" and select locations from a list.
- Tap the blue "Add Places From Today's Calendar" and pull your route from your planned Calendar events.
- Once you have your locations selected, you can either press "Route" or "Optimize". By tapping "Route", you accept the order in which you selected the locations. By tapping "Optimize", Outfield re-orders your route to the quickest possible sequence of locations. Go from 2 hours of windshield time to 30 minutes with the tap of a button!
- You can edit the order of your route at any time by tapping "Edit" in the upper right corner.
Here is a video showing route building in action:
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