The Hustle category within League Play helps to gamify the results and effort level your team is generating with their customers. As they log their customer touchpoints and close down deals, they'll earn points that build into their overall League Play score. As an administrator, you determine how many points your team members receive for doing various Hustle actions with the added option of creating customized Hustle Actions that are unique to your team.
Below is a summary of the Hustle Actions and how you can leverage them into positive outcomes for your team!
Hustle Actions Explained:
Check-in: completed - Earned when a user on your team completes a check-in at one of their Places.
Check-in: first of the day bonus - Bonus points awarded to the user who is first to complete a check-in each day.
Check-in: on-site bonus - Bonus points awarded to users when they complete a check-in. They must be on-site, physically present to earn the bonus.
Deal: closed as revenue - Earned when a user moves a deal into a "Revenue Stage" of the deal pipeline. Requires RUPL Add-on.
Deal: created - Earned when a user adds a new deal to the deal pipeline.
Deal: per $5,000 closed as revenue - For every $5,000 of closed revenue in the deal pipeline, users will earn additional points.
Deal: progressed stage - Earned whenever a deal is moved forward in the deal pipeline.
Email: completed - Earned when a user logs an Email activity with a Place or Contact.
Goal: overachieved by 25% or more - Earned whenever a user completes their goal AND surpasses their goal target by 25% or more.
Meeting: completed - Earned when a user on your team completes a meeting with one of their Contacts.
Meeting: first of the day bonus - Bonus points awarded to the user who is first to complete a meeting each day.
Meeting: on-site bonus - Bonus points awarded to users when they complete a meeting. They must be on-site, physically present to earn the bonus.
Phone call: completed - Earned when a user logs a Phone Call activity with a Place or Contact.
Phone call: first of the day bonus - Bonus points awarded to the user who is first to complete a phone call each day.
Text message: completed - Earned when a user logs a text message activity with a Place or Contact.
Custom Hustle Actions
Custom Hustle actions allow you to add customized point earning actions to the Hustle Category based on how your team is answering questions within their forms. For example, if you have a form called "Event form" with a question asking "How many people attended your event?", then you can create a custom action where you award say 3 performance points every time a rep has an event where more than 100 people attended.
To set up a Custom Hustle Action follow the steps below:
- Click "+ Add Hustle Action" near the bottom of the Hustle section of your Performance System
- From the "Select Form Field" dropdown, choose the question you want to reward your team for answering.
- Then, choose a condition to trigger the reward using greater than, less than, equal to, contains, or not empty. In the box to the right of this dropdown, input the appropriate value to match the condition.
- Lastly, determine how many points a team member should be rewarded for achieving this custom Hustle action and the box labeled "Performance Pts". This can be adjusted later within Performance Settings if needed.
Leveraging "Hustle" for Better Utilization
In a broad sense, the Hustle category can be used to encourage inputting activities into Outfield; the more activities the team logs, the more points they receive. On a separate note, the Hustle Section can also be used to incentivize sales and driving revenue with the Deal related actions. This allows you to reward your sales team in a variety of ways, both with how they use their CRM and how well they bring in the dough! If you are finding that the team is not logging activities in the way your organization needs them to, then increase the amount of points they receive for doing the desired actions and run a contest around it. You may be surprised by how your team reacts to this, especially if there is something up for grabs at the end of the contest.
If you have any questions regarding Hustle points or configuring your Performance+ system, please reach out to We can guide you towards success with your Gaming CRM!
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